Master Class with Paulo Benedeti
Paulo Benedti is an actor/writer/producer best known for his lead roles in Bold and the Beautiful, Guiding Light and Wild Things (staring Matt Dillion and Neve Campbel. Q&A / interacton with Paulo - get great tips an knowledge about what to expect now in the industry.
Those inspiring to be in the entertainment business.
Seating is limited - first come basis seating.
No small children allowed. No refunds due unless event is canceled. No BYO alcohol. Food, alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages will not be available for purchase at the event. No unauthorised video or audio recording is permitted.
Activities such as ‘stage diving’, ‘moshing’, ‘climbing’ and ‘crowd surfing’ are strictly prohibited. Persons causing a disturbance or refusing to comply with requests from Security or management will be ejected from the event. The theater reserves the right to refuse entry or reject patrons from the event at its sole discretion; The theater or venue shall not be held liable for any loss, injury or damages sustained entering or at the event. By entering this event site you agree to being filmed or photographed, the product of which may be used for marketing or promotional purposes. Master Class reserves the right to vary advertised programs and to add, withdraw or substitute artists where necessary. The following restricted or prohibited items are not permitted by patrons into the event:
- Glass bottles or cans;
- Alcoholic beverages;
- Illicit drugs;
- Knives or other dangerous weapons including potential missiles;
- Flares, fireworks or sparklers;
- Lasers or laser pointers;
- Animals or pets (other than guide dogs);
- Professional recording or broadcast devices without the promoter’s permission;
- Flags with poles, large flags or banners that may obstruct the view of other patrons;
- Any item that you intend (or such quantities of the item from which Management can reasonably infer that you intend) to distribute, hawk, sell, offer, expose for sale or display for marketing or promotional purposes;
- Large items including eskies, drink coolers or ice boxes; - Umbrellas;
- Any dangerous goods; Any other items as determined by Security or Management that may cause injury or public nuisance;
- Non-sealed drink containers
By attending this event you can not hold GCT or MVP3 and its entites and/or affliates for any damages.